Monday, November 18, 2019

The precarious days of the precariat

In late 2019 most of sense our vulnerability - jobs , work , income and lack of sources of inspiration .And the more mature of us sense the raging cancer like costs of easy cynicism . The rare ones remember the road to real inspiration and the worthwhile costs in highly productive investment. Jaques Ellul ( the Technological Society ) predicted these days of the Precariat . nearly 100 years ago. We don't plan we don't see we refuse to see - our children are worse off than they should be considering our wealth . Ellul expected we would be here because we have chosen to be here. And like typical unrepentant self blinkering human beings, we wouldn't accept responsibly for our choice to go for the technological fix. Instead of facing the truth and light and acknowledging our misauthoring , we would blame others, a process we can't control or call the issue a disease . Nature is now as it was for Hitler and all modern tyrannies the fall back position for our heresies and dehumanizing of ourselves and others. What efficient protective +highly productive jobs have we scrapped in choosing the latest motion and speculation. Adopting the empty promises of the progressives .

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