Monday, November 18, 2019

Heeding the words of tyrants

Hitlers words are rarely discussed, even though his actions took our worlds away.
Can the con  happen again today , especially if we don't really listen to what men say? . Like home maybe we only think we know what was said in 1930's in Germany and why it worked CATASTROPHE .
What was it that meant only God botherers like Bonhoeffer saw through the words ? That some never see through the PC of the occasion and get in more than a war of words . look up the bard 

How deep runs the disease with words ? 

Do we even NOW realize that its when a large number of people think they are doing the right thing when infact they haven't thought it through .  Orwell said that we act on feelings and are not rational-- the big risk is that we will be conned by mere words - our own words?  , The greatest evil is always done in the name of the best intention; really nice sounding words / solutions .

Like that other great tyrant Richard III there is a hidden consensus that is subtle, sly but very bloody .

Towards consensus ?
What Adolph and Richard shared was a contempt for the superficial and especially the sentimental . It didn't take much to use that hypocrisy once it was exposed  . 

Why worry / is war imminent or just predictable /likely ? in this unweeded garden 
Would wars be stopped by dealing with hypocrisy and guilt --openly by repenting and facing the truth about our sins. ( even when they sound nice )
 What would happen if , rather than hiding behind the post christian cancer of letting everyone do what they like and claiming disadvantage and nature as the causes of our corruption of the truth;
What would happen if we took  a choice  to change , confessed that we are on the wrong track .and started weeding again  If it doesn't work for the good weed the path.

The precarious days of the precariat

In late 2019 most of sense our vulnerability - jobs , work , income and lack of sources of inspiration .And the more mature of us sense the raging cancer like costs of easy cynicism . The rare ones remember the road to real inspiration and the worthwhile costs in highly productive investment. Jaques Ellul ( the Technological Society ) predicted these days of the Precariat . nearly 100 years ago. We don't plan we don't see we refuse to see - our children are worse off than they should be considering our wealth . Ellul expected we would be here because we have chosen to be here. And like typical unrepentant self blinkering human beings, we wouldn't accept responsibly for our choice to go for the technological fix. Instead of facing the truth and light and acknowledging our misauthoring , we would blame others, a process we can't control or call the issue a disease . Nature is now as it was for Hitler and all modern tyrannies the fall back position for our heresies and dehumanizing of ourselves and others. What efficient protective +highly productive jobs have we scrapped in choosing the latest motion and speculation. Adopting the empty promises of the progressives .

Man can be bad but meddling is madness

Yes none of us who actually worked together to protect Victoria's environment would have ever expected , in our wildest dreams,  the blatant ignorance of regenerative ecology to last so long, let alone become entrenched in the dumbing down of government. On the occasion when Wilderness society whims to close the forest become official government policy .
Timber is just one resource they have stuffed up. How much did Lisa Neville's use of
 our $10 go to filling up our reservoirs? How far has our $150 fire levy gone in decreasing damage and discouraging high risk takers?

Wise use of our resources now comes last to appeasing the false guilt of consumers.and covering up their astounding  dumb and narrow minded decisions.
 Instead of wisdom we get the waste and the misdirected empty headed arrogance of wannabes
Instead of honesty and confession , we get coverup . From our own broadcaster , instead of science and  confession ( we don't know )  , we get subtle sly and bloody : 

The great jobs our children might have had making sure truly scientific safe sustainable decisions were made each week ( in the sensitive, but resilient world) , are now lost to big nobs playing horrendously expensive games with helicopters, pumps and protecting the fanatical  and stupid .