Monday, November 18, 2019

Man can be bad but meddling is madness

Yes none of us who actually worked together to protect Victoria's environment would have ever expected , in our wildest dreams,  the blatant ignorance of regenerative ecology to last so long, let alone become entrenched in the dumbing down of government. On the occasion when Wilderness society whims to close the forest become official government policy .
Timber is just one resource they have stuffed up. How much did Lisa Neville's use of
 our $10 go to filling up our reservoirs? How far has our $150 fire levy gone in decreasing damage and discouraging high risk takers?

Wise use of our resources now comes last to appeasing the false guilt of consumers.and covering up their astounding  dumb and narrow minded decisions.
 Instead of wisdom we get the waste and the misdirected empty headed arrogance of wannabes
Instead of honesty and confession , we get coverup . From our own broadcaster , instead of science and  confession ( we don't know )  , we get subtle sly and bloody : 

The great jobs our children might have had making sure truly scientific safe sustainable decisions were made each week ( in the sensitive, but resilient world) , are now lost to big nobs playing horrendously expensive games with helicopters, pumps and protecting the fanatical  and stupid . 

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