The Left don't really know what they stand for. Did they ever ? I think they did, but its some way back now .
Like the chameleons most have them have been for a generation, they have not noticed how all their color changes have impacted on their credibility. Taking their lead from the "cynical of business "extreme left they have irresponsibly justified ignorance as the end of their discussions - leaving the public ignorant of the complex job of parliament.
They talk of listening to scientists but they themselves are not scientists and do not show the discipline a scientist must show to influence/ properly support practical outcomes that will work . Proper reporting would have saved them but no-- they have to comment .
The leaders have got comfortable and the public service, which has provided free homes for so many of them, doesn't challenge them deeply enough to be truthful and truly accountable on the wicked and reason short problems of politics . To make things worse they effectively choose to waste moneyon unworkable solutions . being more idealistic than practical.
They talk about science credibility, but they don't allow science controversy ( real life), showing they haven't a decent scientific board of review amongst them . Oh yes , they have broad range of pedantic speculative theoreticians with degrees . Yes profs have their place, but if it was a panel advising industry they would be accountability there ; not peer reviewed papers : briefs to credit or crucify them --like those of us in industry have to do daily. The recent attack on credible physiology / pharmacology on Catalyst revealed a profound disease/ deficit in the ranks
Brian Schmidt lost a great opportunity on QandA to give CSIRO credit by not agreeing with the audience ( who talked of the problem of alternative facts )
Brian should have said that the ABC gets it wrong and worse - it can muddy the water for decades as the media political train on water did in 2006-7 drought In the most ridiculous of ways, the ABC checks it own facts .( which takes just enough time to enable the leader to move on )
By chasing their version of the latest in science ( sexy stuff ) ABC have been party to the lefts destruction of the hard substance -- the ongoing building of professions and politically effective consensus policy advice on science ( the substance on water or conservation or eg ) many other areas also , Desperately the dummies focus on something simple like coal .
Everyone know the elephant in the room on water on Qanda was the highly favoured Flannery and in other areas , the entourage of chosen experts who agree to be ABC - if you were a practical scientist in the area in which Robin Williams and Phillip Adams constantly venture WEEKLY you would have switched off like us, in disgust -decades ago. .Time for action to give someone else a go .
The comfort zone of the lefts urban mandated honor (they are the easy choice for the growing working class and disaffected youth) has hid the reality that the city is home to the advertisers/promoters of childish impulses and the poor me cries who have gotten us to this day when the toxic cult of sentimentality rules .
What they forget in all their righteous indignation about Trump is that they have had the power and its not working . (They laud democracy but its the urban hothouse that both gives them power and keeps them away from eco reality)
The left are so short of ideas they can talk about "more money for this and that "as if mere money is the limitation. Everyone knows the left just wastes money cause it doesn't concentrate on effectiveness , Speaking of left with credibility - remember John Cain ?
What the left forget in all their righteous indignation about Trump is that they have become religious themselves . The modern left is in some sort of self proclaimed cloud thinking they hold the high moral ground . From calling morality bunk in the 70's these immature adults have managed to convince them selves they are the only party who really cares -- they have become more marxian than the marxists of old . Defending the poor and the disadvantaged is fine but the left had the power and did not make their money work . Even Gonsky is about money we may not have?
The only food samaritan pay for the needs of others out of their own pocket .And real needs come first
Reminded as they were on Qand A on monday that these worries about the bad behavior of men convinced themselves that they needed to make water , The imposters will not recant , even though they have burdened their own young people with debts over water that are not needed . Now there attention has turned to coal. where is the ABC report on current energy sources and how they are used . No way were they ever going to alert us to the power crisis .
Yes the religious left are so high and mighty they think that their moral choices entitle them to spend OUR money on criticizing the opposition in public . ( Josh Frydenberg ) Their fanaticism in doing this sort of unacceptable spending is evident . Vic Labor have corrupted the good name of science by putting the departments badge on the sign . The new false values of the public service ( once held to account for not showing them) are on full show at Camberwell Junction .
The thing about religiousness is that it makes you think you know . The lefties in church "know "that CC is going to kill the world and they must do all in their power to stop it .Despite the doubts of outsiders the religious left are tied down to both a damnation and a salvation process. The real weakness in this new faith is its hardly convincing about the damnation process let alone the salvation . Nobody in church doubts that " a big tax" will bring the heretics to heel .
Most galling is that scientists who arr supposed to back both processes are not getting any work except that dictated to by the church. Too bad if informed and trained students of environment can't get work because the politics and problem solving of environment has become so simple.
This sign is proof that that the Victorian Labor Party don't know what they're doing in science but they are ALSO prepared to corrupt their science advisors department to do so , How much different is ABCTV? Can anyone tell the difference ?
1 comment:
The ABC are also stuck in a old worldview time warp . Tell me which famous British broadcaster said this of the Public broadcaster and when .
" we were anti-industry, anti-capitalism, anti-advertising, anti-selling, anti-profit, anti-patriotism, anti-monarchy, anti-Empire, anti-police, anti-armed forces, anti-bomb, anti-authority. Almost anything that made the world a freer, safer and more prosperous place, you name it, we were anti it." tell me its not true this very day in Australia.
In particular ..... criticised how the opinions of BBC staff "were at odds with the majority of the audience and the electorate".[5]
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