Monday, April 18, 2016

Wading through the murk

The mystery of Q and A (ABCTV)  is why the directors think pollies know things -- too many at the ABC clearly know nothing and clearly don' t know where to go to find more than projection and prejudice built entertainment .They swim too low in the stream .
The real leaders whom they should have on , swim above the murk , Get them on like SBS do!
Those who commit only to  the middle get told what to think --eh Malcolm. they wander around in the murk and  ,   say what they are supposed to say.

Radical anti --Christians can't have it all ways . Infact to get rid of Christianity you have to get rid of a lot of stuff . Not just ideas and values about ( equity and autonomy ) but every persons value, equality and autonomy before God and the theory of just punishment and responsibilities to others Exodus 20.  You have to get of all the laws that have built up over centuries or just hope they work in written formal alone like the Pharisees once did . That or hope lawyers get loved to death like gods .

The reactionaries have been beavering away at it for years but cause they have nothing to replace it  they will end up with nothing - just a few laws they hope will hold water - for them .

You can't say as they have said that its all mind construct without undermining your own mind  and its games .

....we start our week really weak with the lame old ABC.

Comedy expansion  --what a laugh - They know what they need but not how to get there -more taxpayers money wasted in chasing the mere name ONLY ..  
If only the ABC stuck to its job -reporting ,  we would hear more entertaining news  more princes in disguise, more surprises 

 The monday night game at the coliseum is often to see somebody sacrificed ,That person or group maybe in the panel  but maybe not . You can rest assured if they are in the panel,  they will be alone . Appearances of course may disguise the old predictable game they play to win.
Not that the irresponsible directors get it all their own way -  the child can sometimes intervene.

QandA loses lots of it appeal if its just same old same old ; projecting guilt and shame onto someone else -- same old reactionary framework for the ever changing trans everything generation , The amount of blood required to get the same hit increases. The paradox of life severely constrained by reaction to the well established never seen .

This overly predictable reworking of the predictable was another waste of time last night .Jane Caro should have been taken off her banging on pedestal of the pedestrian years ago .
Wise members of the panel had to spend OUR time correcting her about how money was actually spent in public schools .Previous to that we have night after night of spin and stupidity .
The popularity of the simple is however completely understandable .
As for real dialogue and conversation - you couldn't cut a slice of fun  out of that overly controlled  format.and next week - just an anorher illusion of their own making . ho hum never get to the gist mam .

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