Sunday, April 13, 2014

Most polys don't deserve the job - they don't ask enough questions

It has always been the role of Western governments  to anticipate risks for the sake of its people . Thats one way they have helped BUILD and lead highly productive ( in both the short and long term ) countries with sound health and environment policies.
We think the Greens are bad for losing faith in our history of effectiveness in this ( which means losing faith in our training and governing methods) -You don't believe me tell me HOW they would run " the education revolution " and see if you would vote for their suggestions !  Naturally the ABC Big Ideas hasn't tested the water on this , even though its suddenly realised recently that its "dangerous new ideas"( not highly inflated concepts of Big ideas ?)  that are really critical in the history of sustainable change .

But the Liberals are just as bad
. Having caught the same disease of self abnegation about themsleves ( not admitted of course) parliament and the people,  they have been hellbent on demolishing the systems of learning training and disciplining as well.Some CEO , by definition, is supposed to know hat he's doing .  Like some quiet revolution, many Libs,  if they ever thought about what they say they believe in,  would be happy with no government.They are the dummies who gave us excessive faith in CEO's - a top down "we know what we are doing "CEO culture .
You want an example - take The idea of improving water supply 
specifically Take the way both sets of ignoramuses have let Coca Cola Advertisers and Pure water manufacturers steal our children's right to a panic free future with OUR rain. We now pay really big for NO apparent or known RISK factors.

All you need to make money out of the consumer and keep your party in the media spotlight these days is to create a bit of fear .The wannabes aren't wise enough to know either way - nothing new there.

What's new about this pathetic lot of wannabes is that  they no longer care that they are "ill advised"
  And so then where "the public health benefit system" when the public needs em? ---when the vulnerable audience to " authority " need  a good cooling off over media induced panic and a little bit of common sense talk about real risk levels.  .

Democracy dies ,not with a bomb, but with wimps (afraid to ask questions and challenge the popular myth)

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